Saturday, December 01, 2012

Thank You from the World’s Most Positive Countries 2012 initiative

On behalf of Daily Positive (D+), we would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their enthusiasms, excitements and supports for the World’s Most Positive Countries 2012 (WMPC'12) initiative. Following last year’s grand success, this year it was observed with more passions and thrills.

Congratulation again to the winners of the World’s Most Positive Countries 2012: United States of America, Australia, England, China, Japan, Germany, Canada, France, India and Sweden.

A summary of the presentation ceremony is provided in the following:
What: World’s Most Positive Countries 2012 (WMPC'12) initiative presentation ceremony
When: Sunday, 25 November 2012, 12.00 pm – 1.00 pm
Where: 1888 Building - Gryphon Gallery, The University of Melbourne, Australia (Map
Event Details:
  1. Industry Presentation (10 Minutes)
    Title: "BigData, doing the right thing", Presenter: Paul Hodge, Principal Consultant – Infocentric, Description: Exploring three real-world case studies, this presentation will illustrate how BigData is being used for positive social impact.
  2. Daily Positive (D+) Founder Speech and Presentation (20 Minutes)
    Title: World’s Most Positive Countries 2012, Presenter: Dr. Arif Jubaer Description:  Presenting facts related to World’s Most Positive Countries 2012 and other researches with social media, data management and environmental science.
  3. Refreshment / Lunch
Congratulation to Nick Cody from Australia and Tiffany Husin from Indonesia for winning the D+ Volunteer award for their great supports to D+ at the presentation ceremony and Carolina Aurora from Chile for winning the D+ Facebook Fan award for her vibrant online participation.
Here are few images from the presentation on 25 November 2012. For more visit
For more on the World’s Most Positive Countries 2012 (WMPC'12) initiative visit