Saturday, April 23, 2016

Daily Positive (D+) Carnival Middle-East 2016

Another year, yet another colourful D+ Carnival!

The 2016 D+ Carnival was held throughout the month of March 2016. Every year, the carnival planned to promote and share focused positive news and stories from a specific location in the world. This year we celebrated the joys and delights of the Middle East.

The 2016 carnival also wanted to attract everyone’s attentions to two different D+ global campaigns #BringBackOurGirls and #StopBurningMyChild. Both the campaigns need continued attentions from the global citizens in order to save lives of children, women and men. D+ believes celebration is a strong form of demonstration of support for any burning cause.

Visit for more colourful pictures from the Carnival Middle-East 2016.
Join us again next year in the celebrations and continue to discover and share the positivity on D+.

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